Note: There are many online glossaries for Islamic terms. Most are offered by Islamic groups and are defensive in tone due to 9-11-01. Impartiality is difficult where a glossary is provided by Islamic sites because the Sunni version differs from the Shia version somewhat.
Some are offered by universities with Islamic studies. Some are the work of Christian groups, Jewish groups and some are posted by individuals.
For the purposes of impartiality, the careful researcher might want to choose a glossary that is pre 9-11-01. It is difficult to separate a political agenda from the definitions given after the World Trade Towers were attacked.
The glossary below is a composite taken from both Islamic and secular sources PRE-9-11.
Because Arabic uses a different alphabet, all spellings are an English version of the phonetic pronunciation. This is why you will see several spellings for the Qur'an/ Koran. For our purposes, the spelling of each term is confined to one version after the initial listing where several versions may appear.
Abbasids-descendants of Mohamed's uncle Abbas; part Arabic, part Persian. They are a Sunni dynasty that took over the Caliphate in 750 and held it until 1258. The Abbasids designated Bagdad as their capital. In their reign, the arts flourished; best known to Westerners is their 1001 Nights.
Abu-Bakr- friend, early convert to Mohamed's "recitation" (Qur'an) and father-in-law of Mohamed. His daughter Aisha was married to Mohamed as a child. Abu Bakr became the first Caliph in 632, the successor to Mohamed, after the latter's death. Abu Bakr ruled two years until his in 634.
Adhan - The call for the daily prayers.
A.H. - "After the Hijrah" 622 AD. Reference to the Islamic calendar/ dating system. Thus for th West the date is expressed as " A.D." , but the Islamic dates is expreses "A.H."
Aisha or Ayesha - Mohamed's third and favored wife. Hadiths record that at 53 Mohamed married Aisha who was 6 and consummated the marriage when she was 9 years old.
Al Andalus - Arabic / Islamic term for Spain. Spain was part of the Islamic empire from 750s until Isabel of Spain finished the 800 year reconquest of Spain in the 1400s. Today radical elements of jihad claim that Spain belongs to Islam and must be reconquered.
Ali (Ibn Abi Talib)- cousin of Mohamed and son-in-law when he married Mohamed's daughter Fatima. Ali's followers thought he was the logical successor to Mohamed. (At Mohamed's death the governing of Islam went to Abu Bakar who was not realted by blood to Mohamed. ) Ali's followers are known as Shia ( the shiite party). Murdered in 660, his followers broke from the main branch that had developed (with numerous disputes) sicne the death of Mohamed. The Shiites contend that Ali is in Paradise in the honored position beside Mohamed-r of the differences between the Shiites and the Sunnis. For Shiites, Ali is the first Imam.
Allah - Islamic term for God, Allah means "The One". "'Allah" was a term that predates Islam. "Allah" was used by the pagan tribes of the Arabian Peninsula to indicate a sort of "god higher than all other gods."
Al-Qaeda ( Al-Qaiada or Al-Qaeada) "the base camp" A radical Islamic terror ring founded by Osama Bin Laden.
Arafat (Arafa ) - desert plain north of Mecca. Muslims believe that at this site all peoples will endure judgement. Muslim pilgrims gather at Arafat during month of Zhu-l-Hijjah.
Ayatollah- A Shiite religious leader schooled the Qur'an, hadiths (teachings) and sharia (law) i Shias beleive that an Ayatollah is the most pious leader for a given era and that he is given the authority to determine correct interpretations if Islamic teaching and practice for that era.
Arkan-al-Islam - FIVE Pillars of Islamic practice ( Sunni) : submission to Allah, prayer, giving alms, fasting, pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj). A sixth pillar, Jihad, is often added.
Asee - one who rebels against Islamic laws.
Burqa - (also Jilbab) an adult (10 and up) woman's tunic like garment and veil meant to obscure the female form (and face) and promote modesty. More modest than the hijab. Donned by the most devout Muslim women.
Caliphate (Caliph/Khalifah) term for the leadership of the Umma (Muslim believers) after Mohamed's death. The term conveys worldly but not spiritual power. It is essentially the Grand Administrator of the Muslim people. Sunni Muslims do not teach that there is one spritual leader for the whole of Islam. The institution has died out, but some radical leaders would like to see it reestablished, so that the Umma (community of Muslim believers worldwide) could be governed by a single vision/ purpose.
Dar-al-Harb - "The house of war" all those regions of the world where Islam is not practiced--considered to be "at war" with Islam.
Dar-al-Islam -"The house of Islam" regions where the people are subjects of Islam, thus are "at peace."
Dar-al-Kufr "The house of Unbelief" similar to Dar-al-Harb, it is said to be Satan's domain filled with blasphemy. Muslims believe that Dar-al-kufr will eventually submit to Islam and join dar-al-Islam.
Da'wa -The call (invitation) to follow Islam. The main connotation today is "mission" (political or religious.)
Dhimmi - People, (Christian, Jew, Hindu) residing in a Muslim controlled region. Dhimmi forced to wear distinctive dress and required to pay the jizyah tax. Not permitted to hold office. Such people are not considered citizens, but a subjected class of residents.
Dome of the Rock - the Islamic shrine built on the rocky space where the Jewish Temple once stood in the center of Jerusalem--and is the site of the Jewish "Holy of Holies" --an inner sanctum of the Temple. Muslims believe that it was from that rock that Mohamed was taken to paradise during his "night Journey" (A mystical -like experience). For Muslims, Jerusalem is the third holy city after Mecca and Medina.
Fatima- daughter of Mohamed and his first wife, Khadija. Mohamed married Fatima to his cousin, Ali, who after the dispute (split) over succession became the leader of the Shia Muslims.
Fatwa-a legal judgment based on the Qur'an and the traditions, typicalaly in response to a question on the law. A juridical edict issued by a Muslim religious leader (Quadi). A legal opinion on a matter of Islamic law issued by a trained Islamic jurist.
Ghazi - Muslim soldier, warrior.
Ghurabaa (al)-Radical group in the UK who reject all participation in the Western political process. The spokesman a Jamaican convert to Islam, Abu Izzadeen.
· Hadith-( hadeeth) "reports" --thousands of recollections about Mohamed. Also called "The Traditions" they were assembled about 100 years after Mohamed's, and completed about two hundred years after his death. Many scholars find them highly suspect. Hadiths include Mohamed's teachings and practices. Hadiths are the source of some Muslim practices not outlined in the Qur'an. However, hadtihs are revered as important teachings to be followed and studied.
· · Hejaz- A mountainous section of the Arabian Peninsula where competing tribes lived. Both Mecca and Median are located here.
· Hajj -- one of the five pillars of Islam, it is a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in a believer's lifetime. When at Mecca, Muslims worship at the Kabba.
Hanif- A pre-Mohamed name for the people living in the Hejaz area of the Arabian Peninsula --here men came to pay homage to particular tribal gods. Before his personal vision, Mohamed a hanif of the local god called Allah.Hijab-- Veil the Muslim woman wears for modesty--less extreme than the burqa.
Hijra--The holy year of 622 when Mohamed took his followers from Mecca (his home) to Medina to avoid bloodshed. Mohamed's teachings were reviled by the people of Mecca, especiially the influential Quraish tribe . The Meccans in effect expelled Muslims.
Imam (Imaam)- a spiritual leader. For Shiites that authority comes down in an unbroken (bit not all seen) line from Mohammed himself through his son-in-law Ali. For the Sunni branch of Islam the Imam is the leader of the worship in his mosque. (no physical connection to Ali or to Mohamed is required).
Ishmael-The first son of Abraham by an Egyptian servant girl. (see Genesis 16) . Muslims revere him as a prophet who they believe built the Kaba. Muslims claim that he is more important than Isaac, Abraham's son by his wife, Sarah. It is through Isaac that Jews descended. Thus, Arabs and Jews are at root, half brothers.
Islam - literally "Submission" ( to Allah) A secondary meaning is "peace" the peace that comes from submitting. Islam is one of the three monotheistic faiths. Its central message is " There is no God except Allah and Mohamed is his prophet." Islam teaches that Allah is the god of the Jews and the Christians and that Jesus was a prophet, but not the "son of God:" as the Christians believe. It teaches that Islam is God's final revelation. Islam is the world's second largest religion after Christianity. It is divided into two main branches, Sunni and Shiite.
Islamist - a new version of the word Islam, used by policy experts and academics to distinguish radical political/religious movements.
Jihad- two meanings: Muslims must defend Islam from attack. Also, an the inner struggle to submit to Allah. In current context theterm is understood as the Islamic struggle against resistant unbeleivers. Others teach that "Jihad is not a war to force the faith on others," because the Qur'an that says: "There is no compulsion in religion." Others invoke the obligation of jihad against any and all regimes that refuse Islam or are unjust in the eyes of Islam.
Additionally, jihad can be waged in several socio-political ways: financial support for wars, trianing and armaments; written jihad--books, novels, essays, blogs; political efforts to advance Islam, including emigration to non-Muslim nations and seeking positions of influence in education and politics.
Jihad is obligatory for Muslims. Some refer to it as the "sixth pillar" of Islam.
Jinn- (Genie) an invisible being created from fire. They observe humans , they can be good or evil, are punished (or rewarded) for their actions on the day of Judgment.
Kabba (Ka'aba) A '2o'X30' X50' cubic structure in Mecca. It contains a black stone that is the locus of Muslim veneration. Hypothetically built by Adam and reestablished after Noah's flood by Abraham and Ishmael. No archaeological or scriptural support for this hypothesis. Muslims teach that all Moslems are to face Mecca and the Kaba to pray.
Kafir-one who is invited but rejects Islam. Derogatory term for infidels--literally "ungrateful for the truth."
Khadijah- Mohammed's first wife and follower. She was a wealthy widow 15 years older than Mohamed. She hired Mohammed to oversee a caravan business her first husband bequeathed to her. They married after five years, when Mohammed was 25. (Their daughter was Fatima.) She died in 619.
Madrassah - Islamic school that teaches Islamic religion and law.
Mahdi- The messiah that the Sunni Muslims await. (Shiites wait for a twelfth Imam)
Mawali - a non Arabic convert to Islam
Medina or Madina - A city on the Arabian peninsula. This where Mohamed took his followers when the people of Mecca expelled them (The Hijra), thus first city to come under Islamic rule. Mohamed's mosque and grave are located in Medina. This is the site of the ancient cit of Yathrib.
Mohamed (Mohammed, Mohamet, Muhammad) born in 570 A.D. in Mecca where his ancestral tribe was powerful. Orphaned as a child he worked for his uncle Abba. At twenty Mohamed was hired by a wealthy widow, Khadija to manage her caravan business. The two were married, one child, Fatima lived to adulthood. In 610, Mohamed had his first visitation from Allah. Allaha sent an angel to recite the teachings that Mohamed was to teach the people. THese teachings comprise the Qur'an (holy book of Islam). The teachings were not accepted in Mecca, MOhamed fled to Medina, and in 630 Mohamed and his warriors defeated the Meccans. He died in 632, in Medina. Islam believes that Mohamed the last of the prophets that Allah will send to man.
Mosque-- house of prayer for Muslim worship.
Mufti--a scholar or professional interpreter of Sharia law.
Mujahid - A person engaged in in jihad; fights for Islam.
Mujahideen ( mujahedeen) Muslim guerrilla warriors committed to battle the "infidels."
Mullah- a scholar (sunni) who is learned in the Sharia (Islamic law).
Precepts-- required tenets (beliefs)
Qadi- Judge of the Muslim law--issues fatwas against those deemed in violation of the law or who have insulted Mohamed.
Qur'an (Koran) Islam's holy book. Mohamed reported that Allah composed the Qur'an, and sent the angel Gabriel to recite it to Mohamed beginning in 610 A.D. These locutions were heard by Mohamed for 22 years, until his death in 632. Mohamed memorized the verses to teach his adherents who were instructed to memorize them also. Mohamed taught that the "recitations" were God's final revelation. The recitations were not collected and codified until years after Mohamed's death, in the reign of the third Caliph, Uthman.
Ramadan - the holy lunar month of fasting during the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. Ramadan begins and ends at the time of the crescent moon in Mecca.
Sheik- several meanings: a venerated elder; a title given to a tribal leader; a scholar with formal training in a spiritual institution.
· Shiite- Approximately 15 percent of all Muslims belong to the Shiite branch of Islam. Shiites teach that Mohamed named his only surviving male relative, his cousin and son-in-law, Ali, to succeed him. Shiites hold that all power-worldly and spiritual descend from Mohamed to his successor. Their leaders are called Imams, and are not a Caliph. Shia teach that a twelfth Imam is to come--a messianic figure-- whose coming signals the Judgment. Most Shiites reside in Iran, though large numbers live in Syria and parts of Iraq.
· Sufi- a mystical sect of Muslims, perhaps 5 % of the Islamic believers. A subset of Sunni Islam. Emphasis on the spiritual, rather than worldly pursuits of Islam. They have been the target of Islamic persecution for their supposed heresies . Their spiritual ascetic is similar to the Buddhist's monks attempts go "beyond" the seen world and rest in a higher vision. To achieve this higher state they practice intense ecstatic mysticism" that consists of kinetic movements (dances). There is a strong gnostic element (belief in a secret or hidden knowledge)
· Sunna -- behavior of the perfect Muslim following the example set by Mohamed
Sunni -the Sunni branch of Islam constitutes the 80% Muslims worldwide. Sunnis deny that Mohamed named a successor, thus it was "just cause" to choose a new leader for the infant religion. By this appointment the caliphate was established as the heir to Mohamed's military and political power, though not his spiritual power. Sunni tradition permits the believer to have his own relationship with Allah, without the mediation of any cleric.
Sura- A chapter in the Qur'an.
Umma-The entirety of the world-wide Muslim community. (See Caliphate)
Wahabism-- A sub-sect of Sunni Islam that is ultraconservative and interprets the Quran and Hadith (the sayings attributed to the Muslim prophet Mohamed) literally. Most of the inhabitants of Saudi Arabia are members of this sect of Islam.